Come and See at John Paul II High School

On the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (Feb 11, 2025), I was honored to present 24 paintings of the Come and See exhibit to the 9-12th graders of John Paul II High School and the 8th graders of Bishop Garriga Middle School along with their teachers and principals. I prayed that Mother Mary’s messages would penetrate the hearts and minds of these young students. I had only hoped to touch 1 heart there, but Mother Mary touched many many hearts instead!! Why did I even doubt?

The Holy Spirit took over as soon as the 1st painting was revealed and to see the young faces light up as each painting was unveiled, it was an incredible gift from the Lord. I thought they would be my toughest crowd insofar as attention spans but they paid attention and some even came up to me after the presentation with questions. There were many who took selfies and photos of their favorites. Truly humbling.

I am going to return to present to the 6th and 7th graders of Bishop Garriga Middle School in the Spring. I am looking forward to it because the child Jesus in my paintings are the same age as these middle schoolers.

Mother Mary, please pray for these young students.